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Writer's pictureLaurie Bell

Dinner and Family on Easter Weekend?

Updated: Jul 20, 2018

For those who observe Easter, it can be a weekend for reflection and renewal.  For others it is a time to celebrate a three or four day weekend among family and friends.   For many it is both.   It can mean time spent with an aging parent or parents who you may not have had the opportunity to see for two or three months.  Are they still doing OK?  Are there any health or mobility issues that may indicate a change on the horizon?

I know that my own much loved Mom, while she was still alive, would prepare for family get-togethers with as much energy as she could possibly muster, and then essentially collapse in exhaustion once everyone went home.  Much as she was reluctant to admit it, and honestly, so were we, it was all getting to be too much for her.  She would shop for the groceries and fresh flowers and prepare her traditional, yummy Holiday favourites but, comforting as all of that was, it clearly was time for the rest of us to take over the hosting and preparation of the Holiday Feasts.  Change was inevitable and other traditions were ultimately born … .

Admittedly family dynamics are not always easy and it may be that one or more of your siblings may see or not see what you are currently observing.  I feel very fortunate that the families who I work with generally all went the best for Mom and/or Dad but they don’t always agree on what that may entail or when that should occur.  I have observed that sometimes the older adult has an easier time managing change than one or more of the grown children… .

I digress.  Does Mom and/or Dad’s existing home still meet their current and emerging needs? Does it feel too big for them these days?  Are they essentially living in two or three rooms?  Are they still able to manage the stairs and keep up with any required maintenance?  Will they need some assistance with springtime planting or really, does a move seem like a more feasible option at this stage of their lives?

I just assisted two older adults and their respective family members to make successful transitions.  Both of these individuals had lost their spouses approximately two years ago.  Both left large houses, one choosing to move to a condo and the other opting to move into a retirement residence.  Their moves were ultimately seamless and both clients are currently settling in happily in their new homes and routines.

Interesting enough, both shared with me that their only regret was not making the move sooner.   They were very wise and resilient overall but when they got to thinking about everything that would be involved with such a big move, everything quickly became overwhelming.  Their heads were absolutely swimming with details and, of course, everyone was giving them different advice.  “Analysis Paralysis” kicked in and all planning and downsizing ground to a halt in both situations.  Both of these individuals were referred to me at this stage and one very appreciative client shared that once I got involved, “we lifted all of the stress off her shoulders”. They both told me that they “couldn’t have done it all without us”.

Engaging the services of a knowledgeable, sensitive and objective Senior Move Manager and team can make all the difference in the success of your transition, and this Senior Move Manager also has a background in mental health support, crisis intervention and dispute resolution.  As you spend some time this weekend with family, please ask yourselves if you or your Mom and Dad might benefit from a complimentary consultation within the GTA.  We can help to ensure that your move skips right over: “Feeling overwhelmed.” and moves right into: “Why didn’t we do this earlier?”

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